How to protect your data from ransomware
Have you heard of malware? That’s scary enough – but have you also heard of ransomware?
This is where criminals lock you out of your data. And you have pay to get access to it again.
Our new video has three ways you can protect your business from ransomware.
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You’ve probably heard of computer malware – but have you heard of ransomware?
It’s what criminals use to target the data in your business.
That’s incredibly valuable to you. Ransomware is a form of malicious software placed on your devices to lock you out of your data. And it’s terrifying.
The criminals will then demand cash to unlock your data.
Every business is at risk from ransomware all the time. Including yours. Because hackers use automated tools to sniff out opportunities.
Here are three ways to protect yourself.
Use appropriate security software and keep it up-to-date.
Check sender details carefully before opening attachments. And be wary if you’re asked to enable things called macros to view files, documents, or messages.
And, back up your data to the cloud constantly, and check that backup daily.
If you’re concerned about ransomware, need to update your security, or need any assistance properly backing up your data, get in touch.
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