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Could user avatars make MS teams meetings more fun?

Will custom avatars benefit MS Teams and make meetings more fun? Our latest video gives you the lowdown.

Microsoft is previewing avatars in MS Teams meetings.

Let’s face it: staff meetings can be a bit ermmm…boring.
Enter avatars! These digital doppelgangers are being introduced into MS Teams,
With avatars, you can add some personality to your meetings and make them more engaging.
Plus, they can help you keep track of who’s speaking. Could they be just what we need to inject some fun into your work meetings?

MS teams introducing avatars into meetings

Video calls are convenient but not always the most exciting way to spend your time.

And maybe you don’t like being seen on camera.

Microsoft’s latest Teams update solves both these problems with animated versions of yourself.

They’re called Mesh avatars and are designed to take your meetings into the metaverse.

You can customise your physical appearance, add accessories, and choose from reaction gestures.

Better still, you don’t need an expensive headset to use them. You just download the Avatars app in the Microsoft Teams App Store.

Big tech’s investing billions developing the Metaverse right now.

This 3D virtual space will mimic huge aspects of the real world, with shops, meeting places, and workspaces. In time, it’s set to become ‘the new internet’.

These avatars are a great first step into this new style of virtual space. Right now they’re available in preview but we’re expecting news of a more general release soon.

Want to find more ways to make work more fun for your team? We can help. Get in touch.

The metaverse is a virtual world and many say this will be the next iteration of the internet experience.

currently there are many virtual worlds out there to explore and currently the big Tech companies are investing massive amounts of money and time in the technology.

avatars are little digital representations of you. you can create them to have any look you wish and are how other users see you. Many try to create likenesses of themselves but there no reason you can’t be anything you wish as your persona. although most sociual media and business applications currently only give options for human form.


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